Your donation will be immediately put to use

Your one-time or monthly support will provide necessary living suppliesand hope for those who live on the streets of Abbotsford.

Volunteer and Giving

If you live in the Abbotsford area and are interested in giving your time, we would love to hear from you. We are always on the lookout for outreach volunteers, drivers to pick up donated food and supplies, and cooks and bakers to prepare the food we give out. Volunteering is flexible—you can choose the days you want to come out and help.

Do you have extra items? Please give today.

We are always in need of non-perishable food items, hygiene products, socks and underwear, blankets, bottled water, juice boxes, ingredients to make hot meals, and snacks like granola bars, fruit cups, and pudding. Your gifts go directly to those in need.

Thank you for your compassion in giving.

Give By Credit Card

One-time or monthly gift.

As soon as you complete your donation, your gift will start its journey.

This work depends on the support of people like you.

Give By Debit

One-time or monthly gift.

As soon as you complete your donation, your gift will start its journey.

This work depends on the support of people like you.

*Rotessa offers a simple and secure way for organizations to collect payments and donations electronically through pre- authorized debits and is an accredited business with the Better Business Bureau.

CRA # 767242704 RR 0001

If you have any questions please call us at  1-888-712-2980